Foreigners Division
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India

Important Public Notice
(4th October 2013)

  1. Foreign nationals in India may require various services like Registration, Visa extension/conversion etc. For this purpose, various powers have been delegated to the FRROs/FROs which are available on the weblink

  2. The foreign nationals are advised to visit the concerned jurisdictional  FRRO/FRO for such Visa related services. 

  3. If any service is required by foreign national which is not covered in the above mentioned delegated powers, even then the foreign national should visit the concerned jurisdictional FRRO/FRO and submit formal request for the service. The concerned FRRO/FRO will examine the request completely and if he/she prima facie agrees with the request of the foreigner, he/she will forward the application to the Ministry of Home Affairs for appropriate decision. If the concerned FRRO/FRO feels that the request of the Foreigner cannot be agreed to, he will straightaway advise the foreigner accordingly.

  4. In case of any queries, Foreigners may contact Visa Support Center by email at visasupport[at]nic[dot]in or on telephone numbers 011-22560198, 011-22560199 .

By orders:
Joint Secretary (Foreigners)
Ministry of Home Affairs 
Government of India

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