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UT Division
SR-No Keyword Subject Download/Link Number Date
121 Extension of state Act to Goa,Daman and Diu

The Criminal Law Amendment Act,1952 (46 of 1952)

Download (116.08 KB) GSR 1634
122 Notification regarding Nomination

Nomination of Ms. Manisha Saxena and Shri Vikas Anand as Members to the NDMC

Download (60.58 KB) S.O. 3352(E)
125 Extension of state Act to Manipur

The Court Fees Act, 1870 (7 of 1870)

Download (4.82 MB) GSR 1119
127 Delegation of powers

The Delhi Rent Control (Lotteries) Act, 1958.(Hindi)

Download (44.67 KB) S.O.457(E)
128 Laccadive,Minicoy and Amindivi lslands

'The Code of Criminal Procedure ,Act 1898(5 of 1898,as amended by the Union Territories(Separation of Judicial and Exective functions)Act,1969(19 of 1969).

Download (234.2 KB) S.O 385
129 Extension of state Act to Himachal Pradesh

The Punjab Cooperative Land Mortgage Banks Act, 1957 (26 of 1957).

Download (2.06 MB) GSR 80.
131 Delegation of powers

The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970.

Download (126.83 KB) S.O.1523(E)
132 Delegation of powers to the Administrators of UT Delhi

'The Delhi Sikh Gurdwaras Act,1971(82 of 1971)'

Download (285.73 KB) S.O 258(E)
133 Extension of state Act to Manipur

The Societies Registration (Assam Fourth Amendment) Act,1957 (VII of 1957 and the Societies Registration (Assam Fifth Amendment) Act, 1958 (XI of 1958).

Download (36.37 KB) GSR 85.
134 Delhi Police (Appointment and Recruitment)

Delhi Police (Appointment and Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules,2022

Download (1.53 MB) F.16/6/2020/HP-I/Estt./3483 -3489
135 Delegation of powers

The Public Premises Eviction Act, 1971.

Download (97.43 KB) S.O.735
136 Delegation of powers to the Administrator of UT of Arunachal Pradesh

Under Section 16 and 17 of 'The Cinematograph Act,1952(37 of 1952).

Download (218.46 KB) S.O 753(E)
137 Delegation of Powers

Chief Commissioner of A&NI exercise the powers of the Central Government and the State Government under ' The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)Act,1946,except section 15 thereof'.

Download (140.28 KB) SRO 1817.
139 Delegation of powers

The Essential Services Maintenance Act, 1981.

Download (129.96 KB) S.O.161(E)
140 Delegation of powers empowering DCsp under Section 144 Cr.PC.

'The Code of Criminal Procedure act,1973 (2 of 1974)'.

Download (240.27 KB) S.O 2581(E)
NE Division
SR-No Keyword Subject Download/Link Number Date
123 Disturbed Area

Declaration of Assam and 20KM Belt in the State of Arunachal Predesh and Meghalaya along their border with Assam as 'Distributed Area' under Armed forces Act, 1958 (Hindi).

Download (60.64 KB) S.O. 2818(E)
130 The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958

Declaration of  the entire State of Manipur excluding the areas falling under the jurisdiction of the fifteen (15) Police Stations as "Disturbed Area" for a period of 6(six) months .

Download (605.92 KB) No.2/8(6)/2022-H(AFSPA)
138 The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act,1967

NLFT and ATTF Notification dated 03.10.2023 under UAPA, 1967.

Download (650.04 KB) S.O.4292(E)
DM Division
SR-No Keyword Subject Download/Link Number Date
124 Disaster Management Act

The National Fire Service College,Nagpur,Accounts Officer(Group 'B' post) Recruitment Rules,2017

Download (1.11 MB) G S R 274
IS-I Division
SR-No Keyword Subject Download/Link Date
126 GSRs / SOs regarding amendments in the Arms Rules, 1962 - A Compendium of old notifications and orders from year 1962 to 1987

Compendium of Notifications:

• SO 326 dated 30.1.1963, SO 1283 dated 3.5.1963, SO1470 dated 23.5.1963, GSR 1377 dated 9.8.1963, GSR 755 dated 11.5.1964, GSR 788 dated 16.5.1964, GSR 1324 dated 9.9.1964, GSR 633 dated 23.4.1965, GSR 1006 dated 16.7.1965, GSR 1418 dated 15.9.1965, SO 1461 dated 22.4.1967, GSR 3 dated 28.12.1967, GSR 1019 dated 23.5.1968, GSR 1567 dated 20.8.1968, GSR 4 dated 19.12.1968, GSR 266 dated 7.2.1969, GSR 431 dated 11.2.1969, GSR 1638 dated 2.7.1969, GSR 2475 dated 22.10.1969, GSR 634 dated 3.4.1970, GSR 1689 dated 9.9.1970, GSR 590 dated 2.5.1972, GSR 1011(A) dated 7.8.1972, GSR 205 dated 13.2.1973, GSR 947 dated 24.8.1973, GSR 733 dated 1.7.1974, GSR 278 dated 17.2.1975, GSR 653 dated 17.5.1975, GSR 462(E) dated 11.8.1976, GSR 1242 dated 11.8.1976, GSR 1198 dated 29.8.1977, GSR 1250 dated 4.10.1978, GSR 694 dated 3.5.1979, GSR 1259 dated 27.11.1980, GSR 703 dated 15.7.1981, GSR 509 dated 26.5.1982, GSR 673(E) dated 19.9.1984, GSR 283(E) dated 18.3.1985, GSR 695(E) 8.8.1987, GSR 165 dated 11.2.1988, GSR 52 (E) dated 24.1.1989, GSR 404 (E) dated 28.3.1990 GSR 994(E) dated 19.12.1990 GSR 681(E) dated 11.11.1991 GSR 755 (E) 18.10.1994, GSR 1 dated 19.12.1997, GSR 99 dated 14.05.1998, GSR 453(E) dated 21.05.2010, GSR 585(E) dated 24.07.2012

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